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WE Kidz Pediatrics

Newborn Care

At WE Kidz Pediatrics, we understand the delicate nature of newborn health and the importance of early care in setting the stage for a healthy life. Our Newborn Care services are designed with the utmost attention to the unique needs of infants, providing comprehensive assessments, support for feeding and nutrition, and guidance for new parents to navigate the early days of parenthood with confidence.

The Importance of Newborn Care
Four Key Aspects

WE Kidz Pediatrics

Health Assessments

From their first moments, newborns undergo critical health evaluations to ensure they’re starting life on a healthy note, addressing any immediate concerns early.
WE Kidz Pediatrics

Feeding and Nutrition Support

We provide expert guidance on breastfeeding, formula feeding, and transitioning to solids, ensuring your newborn receives optimal nutrition for growth and development.

WE Kidz Pediatrics

Sleep Pattern Guidance

Understanding and establishing healthy sleep habits is crucial for newborns. Our team offers advice to help parents ensure the safety of their babies when asleep.
WE Kidz Pediatrics

Parental Support and Education

The Crucial Early Days of Newborn Care

The first weeks of a newborn’s life are pivotal for setting a strong health foundation. Comprehensive evaluations during this period focus on critical aspects such as adequate intake, weight gain, and overall physical examination. These early assessments provide reassurance to new parents, ensuring their newest family member is developing well.

Your Newborn’s First Visit: What to Anticipate

During your newborn’s initial visit to WE Kidz Pediatrics, our compassionate team offers a gentle yet thorough examination tailored to the unique needs of infants.

You can expect:

  • A detailed history to review prenatal conditions, birth history, and any congenital conditions.
  • A detailed feeding and growth assessment to ensure your baby is meeting their nutritional needs.
  • A detailed physical examination to make sure your baby doesn’t have any pertinent findings that require further workup.
  • An open discussion about newborn care, addressing any questions or concerns you might have.

Crafting a Care Plan for Your Newborn

Recognizing the individuality of each newborn, our goal is to create a personalized care plan that supports their specific health and developmental needs. This plan acts as a guide for parents and caregivers, offering specialized advice and support as your newborn grows and thrives, laying the groundwork for a healthy future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Newborn Care FAQs


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What is involved in Newborn Care?

Newborn Care includes initial health assessments, feeding and nutrition guidance, sleep pattern advice, and parental support to ensure a healthy start for your baby.

Do I need a referral before I can see the pediatrician for Newborn Care?

Yes. Kindly ask your OB, family physician, or physician who assessed your baby in the hospital to send a referral to our clinic.

How soon after birth should the first Newborn Care visit be?

The first Newborn Care visit should ideally take place within the first one to two weeks after birth to assess the baby’s health, address parental concerns, and provide essential care guidance.

What will the pediatrician check during the first visit?

The pediatrician will conduct a thorough physical examination, evaluate feeding and sleeping patterns, perform necessary screenings, and discuss any noticeable concerns with the parents.

Can I breastfeed my baby during the appointment?

Absolutely! We encourage breastfeeding and have a dedicated lactation room in the waiting area where mothers can breastfeed their babies in comfort.

How can I prepare for my newborn's first healthcare visit?

To prepare for your newborn’s first healthcare visit, consider the following checklist:

  • Medical Records: Bring any medical documents received at the hospital, including birth records and discharge papers.
  • Feeding Log: If possible, keep a record of your baby’s feeding times and durations to discuss feeding patterns.
  • List of Questions: Write down any questions or concerns you have about your newborn’s health, behavior, feeding, or sleeping habits.
  • Comfort Items: Bring any comfort items for your baby, like a blanket or pacifier, to help soothe them during the visit.

This preparation can help make the visit as informative and efficient as possible, ensuring all your concerns are addressed.

Are vaccinations given during Newborn Care visits?

In Ontario, the first set of vaccines isn’t given until 2 months of age. However, your baby might require vaccinations at birth if they have certain risk factors that we will discuss with you during the visit.